It's what he's become

Oliver has updated his post - not to acknowledge the update of the information, but rather to make fun of me for calling a January update "recent." Oliver is obviously under the impression that, when information is updated it can be immediately released to the public. He apparently would prefer that the administration release all information, unsubstantiated, without investigating its authenticity. Of course, if the administration had released this information upon discovery, he would have criticized them for that too - well, unless it was President Gore - then it would have been the perfect decision.

But that's the Oliver Willis of late. As I said in the comments to this post, for Oliver, "Nothing a Republican can do is right. Nothing a Democrat can do is wrong. On the rare occasion you've criticized a member of your party, it's been for something blatantly trivial."

Oliver will never give this president credit - and will blindly applaud anything Kerry says or does.